
But I Held My Breath And Kicked My Feet

 I used to love swimming but I had stopped for many years for many reasons. Lately, it was mostly because I did not feel comfortable being seen in a bathing suit but I had been considering adding swimming to my activities because I could remember how much I liked it.
At first, I had trouble finding a suitable time and place. There are a couple of indoor pools in my neighbourhood but the opening hours are not all that convenient (in between the kid's group lessons, aquajogging and the like). I finally finished early enough at work to get to the pool for a 45 minutes swim. If I counted right, I swam 1K almost without stopping (I had to wait for other swimmers and adjust my goggles a couple of times). I even finished with a lap of egg beater! Yeah me!

The only problem is had forgotten that the chlorine in the water makes me sneeze four hours afterwards so now I feel like I have a cold. I think it should get better if I keep going to the pool regularly. I should, I loved it, it is strangely soothing, only thinking about your strokes, your breathing. I wonder if I pushed myself enough because it felt so great, not like when I run and it is sooo hard!

And on a side note, I was a little worried when I came in. I saw a sign on the women's changing room saying that the bathing suit was mandatory. Hum. Why is it necessary to remind people to be clothed in a public place?

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