
Running To Standstill

I'm constantly surprised at what I can do physically if I put my mind to it. The problem is getting started. It's just always so tempting to just lay on the couch and watch TV or surf the net, I tend to give myself excuses (last night, it was a mild headache and the heat). But I went today. My program C25K (now at Week 5) said today was 2x8 minutes but I thought there was also a 5 minutes of running somewhere. So when it said "End of workout" I thought I had walked through a running section and since I wasn't home yet, I added about 5 more minutes. And to think I was absolutely convinced I couldn't do the 8 minutes run! This gives me a little more confidence for the next workout in the schedule: 20 minutes straight! (Seriously? From 8 minutes to 20 minutes? Are you kidding me?) Right now, running for 20 minutes seems like the most ridiculous thing to me but I've realized today that my body is a lot better than I give it credit for.
Tomorrow, I'll be cheering for my father and two cousins who are running the Montreal Marathon. My father is a runner and this will be something like his tenth marathon, but it's going to be the first for my two cousins. They started training soon after my uncle's passing and they dedicate this run to him. I really wish I could run with them but it is too soon, I don't feel ready. And, as I've said before, to me, part of my health journey is in his memory because he was the healthiest, most balanced person I've ever known. I miss him a lot.

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