
If I Could Turn Back Time

How did I get here? I'm turning 29 tomorrow and I feel so far from where I thought I'd be at that age! It's not that I'm especially unhappy with the general state of things. Sure, I don't like my job much and I've been single so long I'm starting to think it's a permanent state for me. But generally, it's ok. I have great friends, not really many, but true and dear friends. I have a great family. It's not always easy, living with my sis, but it's all right.
So I'm ok with who I am (most days anyways). But I don't feel I'm quite ready to be 29. I mean, next, it's the thirties! I am far from being accomplished, mature, composed enough to turn 29, let alone 30.
It's the first time in my life I care about the number on the cake. I hope it's the last!

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